The Young Maker

The Young Makers is a Python coding school with a core mission of nurturing students' design thinking abilities and fostering collaborative learning to create personalized projects. While teaching at The Young Makers, I had the opportunity to teach children aged 7 to 12, imparting a structured learning framework centered around process-focused thinking.

Testimonial written by TYM: PDF icon


Upon joining The Young Makers, I initially served as an assistant teacher in a Scratch beginner class, collaborating closely with the main teacher to debug and troubleshoot students' code. As I underwent further training, I gradually assumed the role of the main teacher. This allowed me to guide students through learning Scratch and subsequently transitioning to Micro bit programming. The curriculum involved teaching fundamental Python programming concepts using block code and encouraging practical applications in everyday scenarios.

Through my teaching experience, I honed essential skills such as effective time management and innovative methods to engage students during lessons. For instance, I found that visually illustrating intricate programming concepts on the board greatly aided student comprehension. Additionally, organizing mini competitions provided a motivational boost, encouraging students to actively participate and respond to questions. The satisfaction derived from witnessing students' enthusiasm at the culmination of each project or their newfound understanding of coding was truly fulfilling.

Teaching at The Young Makers not only allowed me to contribute to young learners' growth but also facilitated the formation of meaningful connections with my students. Their excitement and comprehension at various project milestones were a constant reminder of the positive impact I could make through education.

Planning Curriculum

I seized the opportunity to lead the development and planning of the Scratch Advance curriculum. This encompassed the creation of online games using Python within the Scratch environment, alongside the design of a comprehensive 10-lesson PowerPoint presentation. Drawing upon my teaching experience, I tailored the PowerPoint slides to enhance student comprehension, incorporating a dynamic array of animations and visuals to facilitate better concept understanding.

Additionally, I successfully revamped the Introduction to Python curriculum, expanding it from 10 to 15 lessons. I crafted Python Turtle library games and animations using Visual Studio Code, and was tasked to introduce engaging Kahoot quizzes to inject an element of excitement and interactivity into the learning experience.

These endeavors not only honed my organizational abilities but also fostered my familiarity with PowerPoint's diverse functionalities. Collaborating closely with my supervisors, I garnered valuable insights into the intricate process of curriculum planning, while their constructive feedback played a pivotal role in refining my presentation slides and enhancing the quality of the games.

In sum, these experiences have enriched my skill set, offering me a deeper grasp of curriculum development and fostering growth in both organizational proficiency and PowerPoint utilization.